
Vicki Public Practice 课程

Public Practice领域的工作,这些一般都是accounting firm。一般分为两类。一类是big four以及second tier 的accounting的firm,他们是一般排名在澳洲Top 100 的accounting firm,工作内容主要包括Auditing and Assurance, Consulting, Deals, Enterprises, Private Clients and Tax.另外一类是有1-5个partner的中小型的accounting firm。主要内容是bookkeeping, tax return, SMSF,business set up等内容。Public Practice领域的工作与commercial and Industry有很大的不同,如果同学们对这个领域非常感兴趣也可以从Public Practice发展,但要进入big four 和second tier,竞争是非常激烈的,能够进入这些firm工作的international students更是凤毛麟角。我们的建议是可以先从中小型firm入手,然后再通过跳槽的方式进入比较大的firm工作。所以同学们在选择自己的 career path时需要考虑清楚。下面是比较典型的Firm的structure,希望大家有所了解:

Vicki 会计实战培训中心是澳洲会计培训的No1. 多年来求职成功率在行业中稳居第一,凭借多年教学经验和敏锐的市场嗅觉,以追求学员高就业率为已任,大胆创新,紧贴市场,严格审编教学内容, 精心组织,精心施教,务求高效,实用,速出成果,争取让同学们以最短的时间找到首份工作.


澳洲会计职场之Public practice


澳洲的会计职场有2个重要分支, commercial industry(company)和public practice(accounting firm)。这是很多学会计的同学graduate后必须面临的职业选择.而Public practice在澳洲又分为3个不同的层次,第一个level就是big 4,四大会计师事务所,PWC,KPMG,Deloitte,EY。想必大家一定很熟悉了。第二个level就是second tier的accounting firm,在澳洲有WHK Group, PKF, BDO, Horwath, Pitcher Partners 和Grant Thornton等等前50强左右的firm。 第三个level就是澳洲的一些小型会计师事务所了,每一个suburb都有很多,他们的client就是在local的一些中小型business。 这些Accounting firm主要的事务是帮助不同规模的client来处理bookkeeping,tax return,superannuation, consulting,system installation等等业务。


Vicki public practice课程的教材,是为希望去public practice领域发展的学员量身定制的,经本中心资深会计师反复推敲,审阅,内容由浅入深,循序渐进,确保学员易学,易懂,易掌握,易操作.授课内容 穿插极为实用的firm工作经验和注意事项,所有这些将有助于以后进入Firm工作的同学累积好experience,skill and knowledge。


完成Vicki Public practice课程后的工作经验测评将帮助你达到1-2年的会计事务所工作经验。 为进入accounting firm或以后拿tax agent license或自己执业打下良好基础。




  • 高效,实用,内容殷实,易懂:Vicki Public Practice课程讲究高效,实用,内容殷实,易懂,不掺水份,每节课都由Vicki 资深trainer连续讲解时间达4-5小时,不含任何practice 时间。我们将 Handisoft安装在各位的laptop里面,大家可以回家练习,不占用上课时间。在经历了8个session高效率的培训课程后,现在,您可以为找 工而广投简历了。我们倡导‘上午学,下午用,三十天后递简历’。就是要让你最大限度节省时间,快速找到心仪的工作.


  • Proven highly successful job hunting rate几 年来Vicki accounting己经帮助不计其数的莘莘学子走上了职场之路。当你完成我们的public practice课程后,你将发现你会有更不一般的自信心去应对澳洲严峻的就业市场,同样,我们将一如既往,尽心尽力为学员们提供高质量服务,努力以最高 的求职成功率报答同学们的信任.


  • 我们运用真实case来讲述 处理不同的business structure的流程:没 有理由让循环,重复的data entry来浪费你宝贵的时间,更多的是关于实务操作的精华累积和工作经验的accumulation。为了充分利用课堂时间,以便讲授更多课程内容,在 课堂时间内尽量不布置练习,所有的练习都有大量case让大家带回家操作。相比到会计事务所实习,更精炼有效。


  • 非常重要的firm业务是Vicki public practice教程base 帮助大家理清Accounting firm到底如何帮助sole trader,partnership,trust,company这些不同structure的business来做 daily,monthly,yearly的bookkeeping,tax return,superannuation等等task。深入浅出,易学易懂,立竿见影是Vicki accounting会计实战课程的亮点之一。


  • 强大的师资:所有case都是Vicki trainer工作经验的精华所在,他们曾在big 4, second tier和local firm见多识广,职场经验丰富,相信会给大家申请firm的工作带来最大的benefit。


  • 课程软件:Vicki Accounting public practice课程采用最为实用的handileger和 handitax为上课软件。如果大家之前比较熟悉MYOB,SAP,那么进入firm前,有必要对handi有一个更为熟悉的了解和掌握。并且在课程完成之后,我们还会赠送三个月的Handi software的免费试用期,方便大家在课后再反复练习,达到熟能生巧的目的。


  • 关于完成Vicki Public practice课程的相关经验累积:当你完成了Vicki Public practice课程后,你己经具备了相当于accounting firm 1-2年的工作经验和水平。在领会了这些真实case的讲解和掌握了实际操作后,对accounting firm的各种操作流程,你都能驾轻驭熟,得心应手了。这些经验和经历对大家以后申请firm工作时,绝对能获得雇主青睐.




Session 1: Introduction to firms and firm jobs and individual tax returns

Part 1: Introduction to firms and firm jobs 

1. Types of accounting firms: according to location, scale and service provided

2. Structure of a typical firm and work flow for a junior or intermediate accountant

3. Comparison of different business/entity structures: sole trader, partnership, company,     trust/self-managed super fund 

4. Different approaches for processing client files: source documents, excel files, bookkeeping software copies such as Xero, MYOB series, Recon and QuickBooks

Part 2: Individuals 

5. Income for individuals such as termination payment, annuity, super related income, capital gain and investment income

6. 15 types of deduction for individuals such as expenses for car, travel, uniform and self-education

7. Other items such as tax offsets, section for minors, change of residency, medicare levy, HELP repayments

8. Tax administration: lodgment required or not, late lodgment, amendment, objection, appeal  

9. Handitax for individual: complete a real life case from setting up a client file to getting return ready to lodge 


Session 2: Sole Traders and Small Business

Part 1: Sole traders

1. Personal service income: use a mind map to evaluate a personal service income, deal with personal service income and personal service entity  

2. Plan a business’s schedule on individual tax return 

3. Deal with loss from business / non-commercial loss

Part 2: Small businesses

4. Small business entity concession: simplified deprecation, income tax, CGT, GST and FBT concession

5. Benchmarks for small businesses

6. Why and how to prepare and lodge a BAS and an IAS

7. GST registration and GST accounting methods

8. PAYG system: payers and frequency

9. PAYG payment summary, reportable employer superannuation contribution 


Session 3: Partnerships 

1. Existence of partnership and a partnership agreement

2. Features of partnership: limitations on deduction, income distribution 

3. Complete partnership accounts: process excel data and post to Handiledger 

4. GST reconciliation and reducing risks caused by data matching

5. Run Handiledger BAS report and transfer to Handitax

6. Partnership reports and tax return

7. Handiledger and Handitax for partnerships


Session 4: Companies

1. Setting up and closing a company: ACN and ABN application, ASIC registration, company constitution

2. Office holder’s legal obligations

3. Trial balance check-up: bank/ liability accounts reconciliation, TD and TC, key accounts such as salaries and wages, super

4. Hire purchase and Div 7A 

5. Year-end adjusting entries: common errors of clients

6. Process MYOB data into Handiledger

7. Financial statements and Handiledger: differences between public and private companies

8. Tax reconciliation, tax return and Handitax


Session 5: Companies continued and Interview Preparation

Part 1: Companies

1. BAS amendment and loss schedule

2. Company franking account, dividends

3. Fringe benefit tax introduction

4. 11 common fringe benefits such as car fringe benefits, entertainment fringe benefit and LAFHA

5. Choices to deal with fringe benefit: contribution or paying tax 

6. Prepare a simple FBT return

Part 2: Interview Preparation

7. Job application essentials: job searching and resume writing, 

8. Interview questions preparation and how to excel in job hunting  


Interview and Resume

我们非常重视学员的面试技巧,认为这是求职过程中最重要的一环,解决不好将功亏一篑,而传授学员面试技巧是Vicki会计培训的又一强项,针对accounting firm面试时经常提到的问题,结合我们教材中的case,会给大家详细传授firm面试技巧和简历的写作,修改.


在accounting firm的面试中,大家可能经常会被问到如下的问题:


  • Do you know what is the Capital Gain Tax? Have you calculated CGT for your client?
  • What is the situation that you can’t reconcile your client data and how can you cope with?
  • What is personal service income and how can you judge it?
  • What kind of business structure of your client base that you involved before?
  • Have you used Handitax or Handiledger before?
  • How can you calculate and lodge BAS/IAS for your client?
  • Could you please tell me the whole process that how can you lodge company income tax?
  • Give me one example about the tough clients that you dealt with before?
  • What is Hire purchase, Lease and chattel mortgage? What is difference between them?


如果你想尝试求职于Public practice领域,但又担忧面试失常而痛失工作机会,而为此犹豫时.那么当你完成Vicki public practice培训后。相信这些interview Q绝对可以轻松应对。
另外如果对interview 的整个流程或者简历准备和interview的behavior question还比较陌生的同学,可以参加Vicki 口碑最好的interview and resume Session($250),这节课程不包括在Vicki Public practice课程中,但是包括在Vicki 初级实战课程中。





  • 对Public Practice的工作感兴趣,今后想往public practice发展的同学(会计毕业生,新移民等等)
  • 想进入public practice工作的同学,为以后拿tax agent或自己开所执业做好准备
  • 现在正在accounting firm工作, 但是firm没有提供整套流程的培训,或者对firm的工作还没有头绪的同学
  • 有一定commercial工作经验,但想转行public practice领域的同学




准备参加Vicki Public practice课程的同学,最好已掌握Vicki 初级会计实战课程中的知识。因为在accounting firm工作,得到的数据都是company提供的,如果没有公司工作经历,或者对MYOB不熟悉,在accounting firm做好bookkeeping将比较困难,比如,象帮助client找出错误,把reconciliation做对做平,帮助公司lodge Bas,income tax return,FBT return等等。所以建议大家先对commercial and industry的基本AP,AR,Payroll的工作有个了解和掌握,这样才能胜任firm的工作。



还可以选择PP package优惠打包课程(包含PP+初级会计实战班+2门选修课程)

其中package包括安装Handisoft软件,包含所有material,简历修改+ Vicki ongoing support



授课人数: 5-10人小班授课,机动灵活,开班频率快.随到随学.

授课地点:Sydney City/  Melbourne City


On-Going Support:
  • 一对一专业简历修改:报名PP package们会课后进行一对一辅导,根据不同学生的background修改简历,详细的简历修改是我们ongoing support的重点。毕竟申请工作的成功与否,它是最最重要的第一步! 由我们帮助大家修改的简历一定会收到雇主和中介的青睐。(Resume流程,修改resume,不占用上课时间,我们会一对一的修改。如果没有参加我们课程的同学需要单独修改简历,收费是$200)


  • 免费重听:另外我们为大家提供一个温故知新,拾遗补缺的好机会,大家在完成课程后可以在课程结束后的半年之内,免费重听一次. 让大家免除听不懂,跟不上的后顾之忧。也可以让对我们课程感兴趣的朋友借此机会,把以前学过的知识进一步巩固, 还可对新的 accounting skills有进一步提高。


  • Re-Enroll原则:课程结束半年之后但是在一年之内,想再次enroll之前您参加过的课程,只需支付该课程25%的学费;课程结束在一年以上的所有的Vicki学员,只需支付该课程50%的学费都可以再次参加该课程。我们将一直不断的improve我们的课程来满足雇主对大家新的需求,技术和能力。


  • 提供CPD Hour认证:所有报读课程的同学都可以凭Vicki Accounting开具的completion letter申请CPA Australia的CPD hour认证,满足membership每年需要claim CPD Hour的要求。

Latest news

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