Vicki 会计实战培训新课程Excel 精修班 正式登陆!!!专门针对未来想找Financial Accountant和Management Accountant职位的同学!
在Vicki会计实战培训课程 Excel 精修班系列中,最近我们新开发了2个不同的scenarios。
第一个case的situation是作为 ASX listed company 的 Junior Business Analyst,some of your daily duties is to produce product sales report from the SAP raw data and then perform all kinds of different analysis as requested by senior manager.
第二个case的situation是managing director from one of the largest global high end fashion company is looking for a new business analyst to join his high performing team. You are now in the third round interview with him. He has given you 5 tasks to test your Excel® skills in order to make sure you are absolutely good at it.
在Excel高级精修班中,我们所传授的知识和技能,都是大家以后职业升级,应聘大公司Assistant Accountant, Management Accountant或者Business Analyst时,一定会被要求和满足的criteria。 通过这2个case(2* 4 hours)的学习,能使大家熟悉大公司的会计操作流程中对Excel的运用,以及在interview时能展现自己高超的Excel技能, 为自己的形象加分。我们将现在Job Market和大公司最炫最实用的excel function 比如 dashboard等结合起来,融入到我们的实战day to day work duties中,并让大家体验在big corporation中的manager对你的日常工作有哪些要求。一旦你掌握这些技能,那么今后面对大公司的应聘一定会更有底气和信心,职业前景也会更广阔。
Trainer:由Vicki精英团队各位资深老师主讲这2节精彩的excel master case。Vicki团队的各位老师在他们的daily work中累积了丰富的工作经验。授课深入浅出,条理清楚,论证严密.在课程中,大家可以领略到Management Accountant在日常工作中对Excel各种技能的熟练运用,同时努力掌握这些valuable asset,使它变为你的宝贵财富。
与时俱进,跟随职场脉博一起跳动,一直是Vicki会计培训6年来所孜孜以求的,新形势下新技术、新观念、新方法日新月异,记帐型会计将逐步过渡到管理型会计,所有这一切都要求我们转变观念,顺应职场对人才的要求,任何固步自封,浅尝辄止都会被职场逐渐淘汰。让我们一起好好学习Excel 精修班, 让它来为你的职业钱景保险吧!
Vicki Accounting ©2014
Excel 高级精修班 – Case One v1.0
The Learning Outcome from this
You are a junior business analyst at OnlyPhone Ltd (ASX Code: OPL), an ASX listed company. OnlyPhone is the wholesale mobile phone distributor in Australia, founded in 2000. After 12 years expansion, it now has 60% market share in Australia. It has local offices across the capital cities in each State. It has 2 national distribution centers in NSW and WA. OPL has 2 major line of business, Telco Business and Consumer Business.
Under Telco Business, its major customers are Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. OPL’s unique B2B business model helps them to manage their inventories more effectively with big savings.
Under the Consumer Business, it sells the latest mobiles directly through its own website Due to OPL’s cost leadership strategy, economics of scales and fantastic post-sale customer services, it has a major market shares for consumers who want a new mobile, but do not want to sign a two-year contract.
Your directly report to David Lee, the commercial manager for consumer smart phone division. One of your daily duties is to product sales report from the SAP raw data (in TXT format), import the data into Excel® and then perform analysis as requested by David.
Task 1 Import the raw data (.txt) into Excel®, freeze the top row and first two columns
Task 2 Formatting the Data if necessary and create additional requested columns after Ship Status (Product Name, Ship Status Name and Profit)
Task 3 Custom sort data by Date_ of_Sale (1st), by Ship_Status_Name (2nd), by Product_Name (3rd)
Task 4 highlight the customer(s) impacted by out of stock
Task 5 Produce a report like below and a pie chart for Samsung Mobiles
Vicki Accounting ©2014
Excel 高级精修班 – Case Two v1.0
The Learning Outcome from this case
Business Analyst – $70k ~ $100k + 9% Super + 10% Bonus + Benefits
LC Pty Ltd is a luxury brand and leading Australian fashion house founded in 1888 by Louis Coopers. Despite current global economic turbulence and lack of consumer confidence, LC has grown from strength to strength in last financial year 2012 (turnover A$ 1.2b and EBITDA A$800m).
LC’s extensive luxury product lines have been divided into men and women’s collections. Under its leading women’s collections, the product lines include handbags, small leather goods, shoes, watches, fine jewellery, and accessories such as belts, sunglasses and key holders.
LC sells its products through standalone boutiques (精品店), lease departments in high-end department stores (e.g. David Jones and Myer) and through the e-commerce section of its website (
Due to a recent internal promotion, its managing director, Alex Coopers, is looking for a new business analyst to join his high performing team. You are now in the third round interview with him. He has given you 5 tasks to test your Excel® skills in order to make sure you are absolutely good at it.
Task 1
You are given a monthly credit sales report. It contains the information such as sales location, store type, total amount per order, credit card type and count of items in each order. Alex wants to know the total sale orders by its trading hours and total transaction amount in that month, plus he wants the report has the capacity to view by different credit card type.
Task 2
Now, he wants you to create a column chart about the average amount (multiple of 5) per order by hours and benchmark it with the total average for the month. He also wants some drop down box to allow him to select sales by credit card type as well as total.
Task 3
Alex wants you to create a report that he can choose the store type, then depending on what he has chosen, Excel® will pick just the stores’ names under that category.
Task 4
Alex knows that Excel® printing settings can be tricky sometimes. He asks you to produce the following table and make sure the printing setting are all good.
Ongoing support:
- 免费重听:另 外我们为大家提供一个温故知新,拾遗补缺的好机会,大家在完成课程后可以在课程结束后的半年之内,免费重听一次. 让大家免除听不懂,跟不上的后顾之忧。也可以让对我们课程感兴趣的朋友借此机会,把以前学过的知识进一步巩固, 还可对新的 accounting skills有进一步提高。
- Re-Enroll原则:课程结束之后一年之内,想再次enroll之前您参加过的课程,只需支付该课程25%的学费;课程结束在一年以上的所 有的Vicki accounting学员,只需支付该课程50%的学费都可以再次参加该课程。我们将一直不断的improve我们的课程来满足雇主对大家新的需求,技术和能力。
- 提供CPD Hour认证:所有报读课程的同学都可以凭Vicki Accounting开具的completion letter申请CPA Australia的CPD hour认证,满足membership每年需要claim CPD Hour的要求。