Accounting 相关工作之中Excel真可谓是无处不在,Assistant Accountant,Financial Accountant,Management Accountant,Business analyst ,甚至是finance manager或者是Financial controller每天的工作都会和excel 息息相关。能否轻松快捷,游刃有余地出色完成accounting工作很多时候就取决于大家是否拥有出众的Excel技巧。根据我们多年在大公司的经验, 能够熟练掌握Excel 技巧,并且运用到实际工作中的accountant往往能够在工作中表现得非常优秀,出类拔萃,当然更能得到经理的赞扬,认可和同事们的羡慕,尊重哦。
新的Excel课程将分为Excel中级班和Excel高级班两个不同Level的课程,分别针对于想找初级会计工作(包括AP, AR, Payroll Officer和Accounts Clerk这样职位的工作)和Assistant Accountant的工作。我们从自己的工作中精选最实用和最重要的 Function和formula,在此过程中为大家深入讲解更多更炫的例子。选取的spreadsheet都是老师们私人珍藏,真实在会计工作中发生的 ,每天运用的以及改进的大型公司的复杂的spreadsheet是如何运用excel来增强工作效率,比如Bank reconciliation, AP reconciliation, Commission calculation, General ledger reconciliation, P&L analysis,fleet management, Car FBT calculation, Forecasting budgeting spreadsheet, cashflow statement, Margin analysis spreadsheet,Income tax DTA,DTL spreadsheet,BAS、GST calculation spreadsheet等等更多的spreadsheet,让大家在3天充足的时间内体验到Excel的超凡力量。让大家绝对能够优异的通过中介雇主的 excel测试(大家通过3 days 的学习再去中介雇主的excel 测试,绝对是小case),在interview中show off 更多更实用的example,更为重要的是让大家能够在以后的工作当中显摆显摆,让你的同事和雇主对你刮目相看。
有着多年在 Furtune500和ASX200公司工作的Vicki 将带领着有着超强工作能力和职业操守的行业精英们作为老师为大家精心奉献这3天的excel 中高级课程。目的是希望我们这些在Accounting领域身经百战的老师把他们多年以来积累的经验和精华全部传授给我们的学生。
Vicki 的Excel课程不同于computer课程,我们的excel将与实际会计工作表格有机的结合与联系,让大家把所学的Excel技巧在会 计工作中活学活用,最终把Excel的强大功能在工作中发挥到极致。Making continuous improvement in your working process and procedure!
• Display the details of summarized Pivotable
• Create a grouped pivot table
• Use report fields to automatically created multiple pages
• Control the layout of Pivot table
• finish your monthly, Quarterly or yearly Reporting with Pivot table
• dig up the critical information behind huge amount of data and make your action plan
• Multiple Pivot table reporting
• Using Nested IF for multiple output results, nest AND/OR/ISEEROR/ISBLANK/ISTEXT functions into your logical tests
• Work out your results with Sumif / Countif and combine more other functions into them
Session 2:
• Master VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP/MATCH/INDEX to reconcile, match, combine and locate all data you want
• Using Named range to make your formula composing never been easier
• Create different scenarios by scenario manager
• Using single input Data Table and Two Input Data table to display different circumstance
• Make your financial goal achieve by "Goal Seek"
• Using Solver to maximize your organization's Profit
• Handle multiple Excel objects in Word, Create Linking and Get external data from Access, Web & Text
Session 3:
• Empower your team or your colleagues to work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously with you by sharing your document & set different passwords control at the same time
• Open Developer Tab and using form Controls buttons to simplify your complex excel spreadsheet for entry level user
• Combine all your professional excel skills together in dash board making
• Using absolute & relative reference Macros to get complex work done in just a few seconds
• Simple macro VBA programming
授课时间:3 Sessions (4 hours per session)
授课地点:Sydney City / Melbourne City
Ongoing support:
免费重听:另 外我们为大家提供一个温故知新,拾遗补缺的好机会,大家在完成课程后可以在课程结束后的半年之内,免费重听一次. 让大家免除听不懂,跟不上的后顾之忧。也可以让对我们课程感兴趣的朋友借此机会,把以前学过的知识进一步巩固, 还可对新的 accounting skills有进一步提高。
Re-Enroll原则:课程结束之后一年之内,想再次enroll之前您参加过的课程,只需支付该课程25%的学费;课程结束在一年以上的所 有的Vicki accounting学员,只需支付该课程50%的学费都可以再次参加该课程。我们将一直不断的improve我们的课程来满足雇主对大家新的需求,技术和能力。
提供CPD Hour认证:所有报读课程的同学都可以凭Vicki Accounting开具的completion letter申请CPA Australia的CPD hour认证,满足membership每年需要claim CPD Hour的要求。